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Love Offering

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Love Offering

We appreciate you donating from the kindness of your heart. Because of your love offering, JP will be able to travel to Military bases, schools and lower income areas to spread hope, faith and love. Thank you & God Bless!

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Share Your Story!

Please share with us how God has impacted your life! We’d love to hear your story! Talk soon!


Knowing God is LIFE-CHANGING!

I would not be here today without God. God kept me alive because he wasn’t finished with me yet. We all have a purpose, we just got to find it! He has big plans and a future with your name on it. Life may be difficult sometimes but with God ALL things are possible! He will get you through it and give you the strength every day.


Philippians 4:6
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.
Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.


JP Lane is a double-amputee that was blown by a 200lb IED in Afghanistan while on a route clearance mission. After losing both his legs and going through more than 25 surgeries, and so much more, JP decided he could use his story, perseverance, faith and never-give-up mindset to inspire and help others. [Read More]

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Life can be difficult but its only as difficult as you let it be – JP Lane

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